My head is in a fog, I can barely keep my eyes open and I feel exhausted even though I just woke up. Have you felt like this before? Are you wondering how to wake up feeling refreshed and energetic in the morning? This is something I struggle with quite often because I’m not a morning person and I don’t want to rely on caffeine every day.
The quality of my sleep is a huge factor in my wellness, managing my anxiety, and overall well-being.
I have tried and failed at various ways in creating a good bedtime routine.
I’m not perfect at it, but I’ve learned some tips to relax so I can put my racing mind to bed and sleep. I’ve also integrated a relaxing bedtime routine which makes it easier to fall asleep.
The steps taken the night before lay the groundwork for creating a rewarding morning.
In this article, I’m going to share 14 tips so you too can learn how to wake up feeling refreshed, energetic, and roaring to go every morning.
1. Plan ahead and have a good nighttime routine
Recently I’ve been watching Downtown Abbey at night and it’s really hard for me to stop an episode to get ready for bed. I figure another hour won’t hurt right?
It’s really important for you to have a good bedtime routine and plan to go to bed at the same time, every night. Your body and mind like routine because they heavily rely on your circadian rhythm (internal clock).

Having a regular sleep schedule is far better for you than attempting to compensate for irregularity by sleeping in on weekends.
So as much as I hate it, I try to wrap up my Downtown Abbey about 1 hour before I want to sleep. This tells my body that the day is drawing to a close and I’m getting ready to wind down. I read a book for about 30 minutes and then start getting ready for bed. This routine is like magic because it has helped me figure out how to wake up feeling refreshed
2. Eat a light dinner
Did you know that eating too close to bedtime increases both your blood sugar and insulin levels, which means you’ll have a tougher time getting to sleep? You also wake up in the morning feeling groggy and sluggish if you had a heavy dinner.

Ideally, you should aim for a light dinner that you consume around three hours before you go to bed. This will allow your body some time to digest the food and you won’t go to bed with a full belly.
If you do feel hungry before bedtime, have a banana that has magnesium and B6, vitamins that help your body create sleep-promoting serotonin.
3. Make sure your body is tired
Exercise and sleep go hand in hand, with each of them enhancing the benefit of the other. I know that I sleep much better at night if I have been physically active that day, especially with a yoga class.
What about you? Do you notice a difference in your sleep quality and mood when you exercise?

When I’m talking about exercise, I’m not talking about running a marathon or hard-core aerobics. Simply taking a 30-minute walk in the early evening will help you wind down, decompress and get your body tired. As a result, you will have an easier time falling asleep and wake up energetic in the morning.
4. Keep your bedroom tidy
One easy way to wake up feeling refreshed is to actually spend a few minutes tidying up and getting rid of clutter before you go to sleep. Clutter can put you in a bad mood and make you feel overwhelmed and anxious when you start your day.

To avoid this feeling, try this 10-minute method.
Set an alarm and try to clean up whatever you can in that time frame. Start with big items first and put them away. If you have a partner or children, get them in on this action so you can all do it together.
When you take a few minutes to tidy up before bed, you’ll wake up feeling more relaxed because everything is neat and orderly.
5. Invest in a good mattress
Do you often wake up in the morning and your whole body aches? If sleep deprivation is a major problem, you need to consider the basics that perhaps your mattress may be the culprit.
To find which mattress is the best for you and to get practical advice on how to choose a new mattress, head over to International Sleep Product Association. This association is committed to helping the world sleep better and you can get some helpful tips.

In addition, your bed sheets and blanket should be made of natural breathable fabrics. Avoid polyester and try to go for 100% cotton. Ikea is the best place where I have found affordable bedding including sheets, comforters, and pillows.
Investing in a quality mattress is worth the money. You’ll sleep more soundly and feel better inside and out.
6. Keep the temperatures cool in your bedroom
This sounds odd but it’s better if your bedroom is cool and not warm or hot. According to sleep experts, you will sleep best at temperatures between 62-70 degrees Fahrenheit.

If your core body temperature is high due to a big meal, sleep can be difficult.
In addition, sleeping in a cooler room helps with the production of melatonin which is the body’s natural sleep hormone. When you sleep in a cool room, there is an increased level of melatonin which helps keep you asleep throughout the night.
7. Make your room dark at night and bright in the morning
At night, keep your bedroom dark to help promote sleep. You can use a blackout curtain.
Or you can invest in a silk eye mask, which is what I use as part of my skincare routine. To find out more, read how my skincare tips keep me looking ten years younger.

In the morning, turn on the lights, open the shades and expose your eyes to sunlight. Your body needs natural light to reset its internal clock.
8. Take a bath at nighttime
A relaxing soak in the bath or a shower before bed are both great ways to unwind your mind and body. To enhance this sleep-inducing experience, you can try adding chamomile or lavender essential oil to the water.

According to Chris Heuer’s article “Take a Warm Shower Before Bed to Help Sleep,” when you leave a warm bath or shower and enter a cooler bedroom, there is a slight drop in your body temperature. This drop leads to your metabolic functions slowing down, like your heart rate, breathing, and digestion. All this helps to get you into a more relaxed state, induce drowsiness, and therefore make it easier to fall asleep.
9. Set aside 1 hour to wind down and unplug
If you want to feel fantastic in the morning, it’s important for you to start decompressing and winding down at night. Bright light is stimulating and so is technology.
According to research, blue light emitting from gadgets like cell phones and computers stimulates the brain to inhibit the production of melatonin-the hormone you need to sleep.
Avoid checking email or scrolling through your Instagram or Facebook feed. Seriously, how does this add any value to your life?

Instead, unplug from your devices an hour before bed. This helps you to relax, calm down, unwind and focus on self-care activities to improve your well-being.
To learn more tips on how to do this, check out how your life changes when you stop social media.
10. Plan to wake up at the same time every day
Try your best to go to bed and wake up at the same time, every day of the week, including weekends.
I know this is hard to do, I love to sleep in on weekends but I notice that I feel sluggish and tired when I do.
Through trial and error, I’ve noticed the stark difference when I sleep in versus when I keep a consistent schedule.

In addition, having a regular sleep-wake schedule helps maintain your circadian rhythm. To learn more, read about the benefits of waking up at the same time every morning.
Try to stay consistent with your nighttime routine and aim to get somewhere between seven to nine hours of sleep.
You’ll notice a big difference when you wake up in the morning, energized and ready to go.
11. Fall asleep in 120 seconds
The popular military method, which was first reported by Sharon Ackerman, comes from a book titled “Relax and Win: Championship Performance.”
According to Ackerman, the United States Navy Pre-Flight School created a routine to help pilots fall asleep in 2 minutes or less. It took pilots about 6 weeks of practice, but it worked — even after drinking coffee and with gunfire noises in the background.
To fall asleep in 120 seconds, here is what you need to do:
The military method
- Relax your entire face, including the muscles inside your mouth.
- Drop your shoulders to release the tension and let your hands drop to the side of your body.
- Exhale, relaxing your chest.
- Relax your legs, thighs, and calves.
- Clear your mind for 10 seconds by imagining a relaxing scene.
- If this doesn’t work, try saying the words “don’t think” over and over for 10 seconds.
- Within 10 seconds, you should fall asleep!
The military method is among numerous relaxation techniques that can help you fall asleep fast and learn how to wake up feeling refreshed in the morning.
12. Create peace and calm in your morning
One activity I look forward to every morning is my quiet meditation time. I set aside 10 minutes for a guided meditation using one of my favorite apps.

Setting aside time to quiet your mind helps lower your stress and anxiety. This morning practice sets the tone of your day. I promise that you’ll feel a lot more relaxed and less reactive throughout the day.
Try engaging in meditation, journaling, or even sit quietly and allow yourself to feel calm. Start with five minutes and increase the length over time if you find it helpful.
13. Practice gratitude in the morning
When you wake up in the morning, take a moment to reflect and think about all the things you’re grateful for.
Starting your day with gratitude will significantly alter your perspective and put you in a positive mindset.
This practice actually rewires your brain and creates a positive chemical reaction. To learn more, check out how to start a gratitude practice and change your life.
14. And if you still can’t sleep and you’re worried about how to wake up feeling refreshed…
Try to remain positive and practice some mindfulness. It’s easy to get anxious and worried about how long you’re going to sleep or the stressors from your day.

Instead, focus on three things that have brought you happiness, joy, and comfort that day.
By focusing on being mindful and practicing gratitude, you stay rooted in the present and prevent negative thoughts from taking over.
Focus not on the sleep you’re not getting, but on the sensation of your body on the bed as it touches the mattress and comforter and the rise and fall of your breathing.
Tell yourself, sleep will come when it’s ready.
Learning how to wake up feeling refreshed and energetic may take some trial and error. What works for one person may not necessarily work for another.
However, prioritizing your wellness is key because you’ll begin to feel better, have less stress, and won’t dread mornings anymore.
To begin, plan ahead and have a good nighttime routine. This includes a light dinner, making sure your body is tired, keeping the bedroom dark, taking a bath, and practicing gratitude.
Also, take time to tidy up clutter, unplug from social media, and keep temperatures cool in your bedroom. These activities set a calming tone for the evening and help you unwind and transition from the day into the evening.
Taking the time to transition and engage in rituals helps you ease from one day into the next in a calmer state.
As a result, you wake up the next morning feeling refreshed, relaxed, focused, and ready to start a new day.
What are some of your evening routines? What do you do at night so you can wake up refreshed in the morning? Have you tried one or more of the tips in this article that made a positive difference in your life? Please share your stories and comments below.