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7 simple ways to spring clean your mind

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Don’t you think spring is a time of renewal and rejuvenation? When you look around at nature, trees are blossoming and birds have built their nests to welcome their new offspring. People often use spring as a reason to “spring clean” their homes—to tidy up and make things feel fresh and new. Since I’m all about mental health and wellness, I think it’s the perfect opportunity to give your mind a good cleaning as well. So here are five ways to spring clean your mind and get ready for the new season!

7 ways to spring clean your mind

I don’t know about you but I am thrilled that it’s finally springtime. Although some people enjoy winter, I struggle with the winter blues. On the other hand, as soon as it’s warm and sunny outside, I feel a huge weight being lifted off of my body.

When spring rolls around, I take inventory of how I’m feeling emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Most importantly, I focus on giving my mind a good cleaning.

Ready to join me?

1. Declutter your physical space

I know you’re supposed to focus on spring cleaning your mind, but it’s hard to do that when you’re surrounded by clutter and chaos.

In fact, studies show that filth and clutter are associated with negative thoughts, depression, anxiety, and lack of sleep.

Moreover, your physical environment has a big impact on your mental state, so it’s important to declutter and organize your living space.

This can be as simple as getting rid of items you no longer need or use, or it can involve a more comprehensive reorganization of your home.

Or you can make the whole process fun by joining me in the 30-day Minimalism Game.

The key is to create a physical environment that feels calm and uncluttered, which will help you feel calmer and focused in your mind as well.

2. Try to be mindful and meditate

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment, without judgment.

Sound simple?

It’s not.

The simple act of slowing down and paying attention to my breath didn’t necessarily make a big leap overnight, but after committing to a month of practicing, I could feel the benefits in every avenue of my life.

You can try meditation, mindful walking, yoga, or simply taking a few deep breaths and focusing on your breath. Mindfulness can help you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions, allowing you to let go of negative thoughts and feelings more easily.

If you’re new to meditation, here are some tips to help you get started.

3. Get moving

If you want to spring clean your mind and body, then exercise is the key

Exercise is a great way to not only get in shape and improve your cardiovascular health, but it will also help clear your mind and boost your mood.

Whether it’s a brisk walk, a run, or a yoga class, physical activity can help reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.

So, make sure to get moving this spring and give your mind a workout.

Need some motivation to start exercising? Here are 10 foolproof ways to boost your motivation and start working out right now!

4. Create a daily self-care routine

Self-care isn’t about the once-in-a-blue-moon bubble bath you take.

Instead, I think of self-care as an intentional practice you do DAILY to take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Since you’re focusing on spring cleaning your mind…then right now is the perfect time to come up with a daily self-care routine that you can commit to.

Pantea Rahimian

Take control. Feel better.

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Take control.
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Perhaps you want to engage in self-care activities like reading or meditating every day. Or even packing your lunch and eating a nutritious meal instead of getting take-out?

Whatever it is, committing to self-care can help you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

5. Go on a mindful walk

Did you know that taking a 10-minute walk is a powerful way to boost your mood, focus, and energy?

Walking is a great form of exercise and movement. It helps your brain communicate better and increases blood flow.

As much as I love writing blog articles, it can feel taxing on my body since I’m sitting for long periods of time. If I’m feeling frustrated or lack creativity, I know that heading outdoors is the key to improving my mood.

If you’re ready for the full-body health benefits, try the simple step-by-step guide to mindful walking.

Aren’t you happy you pushed out the stale air from your brain to feel sharper?

6. Step up your sleep hygiene

Yes, you’ve heard me talk about the benefits of sleep a zillion times.

I know you know this.

A woman sleeping in a bed

But I’m going to say it again.

Sleep is imperative for your physical, emotional, and mental health. Sleeping restores brain function and eliminates waste and toxins through the brain lymphatics system.

“As mothers and as human beings, we all know that rest is imperative for brain fucntion. The Nap Ministry references rest as resistance and when you stop to choose yourself, you are re-centering the person you need to tend to the most: yourself.”

Tricia Hershey The Nap Minister

I’m also a big believer in taking naps. Not only are they restorative but they help us recharge. So if you are feeling tired and low energy, give yourself permission to lie down and rest.

Struggling with insomnia? Here are 13 ways to treat insomnia naturally based on science.

If you’re like me and your mind races at night, here are 10 ways to put a racing mind to bed and sleep now.

If you want to spring clean your mind and body, then give yourself the space to take a proper nap or a full night’s sleep.

Your mind and body will thank you for listening to them.

7. Learn something new

Learning something new is a great way to expand your mind and challenge yourself. Perhaps you’re eager to learn a new language, try a cooking class, or even join a book club.

Whatever you do, learning a new skill is a wonderful way to improve your well-being. It’s also a great way to make new friends as an adult.

Learning something new can also helps you feel more engaged and fulfilled. As a result, it will boost your confidence and self-esteem.

8. Do a social media detox

Did you know that the average American spends a quarter of their day browsing social networks that have nothing to do with work?

Take a moment and really think about what I just said.

You are potentially spending a quarter of your day browsing social media.

A group of women looking at their phones while standing

I don’t know about you, but that statistic terrifies me.

One thing I often hear from my friends and colleagues is that they don’t have enough time.

However, they’re not looking at the time that they’re wasting away looking at Tik Tok, Facebook, and Instagram.

Social media takes away precious time in your life and bandwidth in your brain.

Perhaps we can ask ourselves if we can get that time — and that mental focus — back. Want to join me on a digital detox challenge?


Whether you’re ready to sweep the cobwebs from the dark corners of your closet…or your mind, it’s time to jump into spring with a clear head.

Spring cleaning your mind is just as important as cleaning your house.

By decluttering your house, meditating, exercising, practicing self-care, learning something new, improving your sleep hygiene, and most importantly trying a digital detox, you can give your mind a much-needed spring cleaning and start the new season feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Just like the beautiful tree blossoms and warm weather, taking the time to engage in activities that spring clean your mind helps you shed the winter skin and be in the best physical, emotional, and mental space.

What are your favorite ways to spring-clean your mind? When you think of the word spring cleaning, what is the first thing that pops into your head? What do you find helpful to start the spring season? Please share your stories and comments below.

Now, it's up to you to take action!

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  2. Get started now and include what you’ve learned throughout this article in your daily routine
Pantea Rahimian

Take control. Feel better.

Start your Self-care Journey.

Take control.
Feel better.

Start your
Self-care Journey.


44 Responses

  1. I love that you listed decluttering your physical space. That is always my first go-to! My mind always feels so good after decluttering my home and getting out the excess.

  2. I love the mention of self-care being something you should do every day. These are great tips! Trying something new definitely helps me get into a better space.

  3. These are great tips! Social media detoxes and exercise are my favorites 🙂 I always struggle to get motivated to work out but once I do, I feel SO much better. Yard work also helps me clear my mind and improve my mood.

    1. Hey Melissa I LOVE the feeling I get after I exercise which helps me get motivated when I don’t want to exercise. I love that you’re suggesting yard work since that has the added bonus of spending time outside AND exercising!

    1. Hey Kevin I couldn’t agree more!! Anytime I feel frustrated and realize that our house is a mess I notice the correlation so I try my best to keep a tidy home since it helps my mental health and sanity!

    1. Hey Nalayini I am 100% on board with you about sleep and social media. I have to be very conscientious about how much time I spend on social media since it’s a platform for my blog. The best thing I’ve done for my sleep hygiene is go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. I hope you feel better soon!

  4. I love this article. I struggle with winter time blues as well and I’m always excited when Spring comes back around. Just the ability to sit out in the gazebo and watch nature come alive, is a huge pick up after being shutting in for months. It’s inspiring and motivating!

    1. I fully agree with you! I’m so excited that it’s spring time now since I also struggle with depression and winter blues. As soon as the weather is nice, warm, and sunny and the days are longer I feel significantly happier and in a better mood. Glad to hear that we’re alike!

  5. Great tips on clearing the mind clutter.. I definitely need to organize my mind and my workspace. Thank you for the tips..

  6. I love this!! I’ve been aiming to exercise more this spring and also keep my space tidier to help with my mental health. Thanks for the tips!

  7. Great tips! I’m going to get started on these right now. These are simple and easy to implement. Thanks.

  8. Love that you included a social media detox. I did one in January and February and was able to get so much done. Thank you for the great ideas!

  9. Great tips for spring cleaning your mind! I never would have thought to spring clean my mind, what a creative idea. My favorites are daily self-care routine and learn something new. I look forward to reading more articles!

  10. Such a valuable concept, it’s good to be in a good headspace especially when going to sleep. Gonna use this to help clear the head

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